China Textile City: The transaction volume of polyester cotton blended fabrics decreased month on month during the Qingming holiday


Recently, due to the Qingming Festival holiday, some merchants from both the north and south have returned to their hometowns and left the market day by day. As a result, the number of purchases by merchants from both the north and south in the fabric market of China Light Textile City has gradually decreased, and there has been a partial decrease in spot transactions and order shipments of fabrics in spring and summer. The transaction volume of polyester cotton blended fabrics decreased month on month, and the overall market transaction showed insufficient performance, but there were still some sales in certain areas. Some fabric companies and manufacturers with a front store and back factory style, as well as their marketing departments and large-scale operating stores, are still showing signs of smooth marketing of finished polyester cotton blended fabrics. There are still bulk domestic demand orders for corresponding fabrics in spring and summer, and there is still sales in some domestic demand orders for spring and summer fabrics. However, the input of finished goods and spot varieties from various small and medium-sized business outlets in the spring and summer polyester cotton blended fabric market is still limited, and the overall market spot transactions are often insufficient.



In terms of the overall market, the spot transactions of finished polyester cotton blended fabrics during the Qingming holiday have shown a certain downward trend compared to the previous period, but local large-scale operating markets still operate smoothly when domestic demand orders are sent. The market highlights of product innovation and marketing innovation are still evident in certain areas, and the marketing of polyester cotton blended fabrics is still active in certain areas. Some fabric companies and manufacturers with a front store and back factory style have marketing departments and large-scale operating stores, and the domestic demand orders and shipments of polyester cotton blended fabrics in spring and summer are still relatively smooth. The polyester cotton blended fabric, mainly made of machine dyed and pad dyed T/C65/35 yarn and T/C80/20 yarn, is mainly used to make fabrics for school uniforms, workwear, casual wear, and professional wear. The domestic demand for orders in some large-scale operating stores is still relatively smooth.

During the Qingming holiday, the layout of polyester cotton blended fabrics has seen a gradual decline in sales. However, there are still many T/C polyester cotton blended fabrics for spring use in some large-scale businesses and some small and medium-sized business stores, mainly attracting orders. Polyester cotton blended fabrics mainly made of machine dyed and pad dyed T/C65/35 yarn and T/C80/20 yarn are mainly used to make fabrics for school uniforms, workwear, casual wear, and professional wear. Some large-scale business stores still have bulk domestic demand orders for shipment. Dye yarn cards with T/C yarn 20S × 20S, 108 × 58 machines, T/C yarn 21S × 21S, 108 × 58 machines, T/C yarn 20S × 16S, 128 × 60 machines for polyester cards, T/C yarn 21S/2 × 10S, 72 × 42 pad dyeing canvas, T/C80/20 yarn 20S × 20S, 100 × 53 mercerized singeing machine dyeing thread silk, T/C80/20 yarn 21S × 21S, 100 × 53 mercerized singeing machine dyeing thread silk, T/C yarn 42S/2 × 21S, 124 × 69 mercerized singeing machine dyeing thread silk, some front store and back factory style cards. There are still bulk domestic orders for the production of T/C polyester cotton blended fabrics in spring and summer by our fabric companies and large-scale operating stores.

During the Qingming Festival holiday, the production capacity of Shangdao weaving and dyeing factories has been compressed, and the transactions of T/C polyester cotton blended fabric finished dyed fabrics are mainly flat, with daily sales showing a downward trend. In the spring and summer seasons, some front and back factory style fabric companies and manufacturers, as well as large-scale business owners, are still active in accepting domestic demand orders. T/C80/20 yarn 45S × 45S, 139 × 94 machine dyed flat fabrics, T/C80/20 yarn 45S × 45S, 139 × 94 machine dyed and ground flat fabrics, and some front and back factory style fabric companies and manufacturers, as well as large-scale business stores, are still relatively smooth in accepting domestic demand orders. The domestic market transactions of this series of fabrics have decreased, with only intermittent transactions of small batches and multiple varieties being the main focus. However, some front and rear factory style fabric companies and large-scale operating stores still have batch domestic demand orders to undertake and ship.

During the Qingming Festival holiday, T/C class 45S × 45S high count high-density plain fabric, T/C class 21S × 21S medium density thread silk, 20S × 20S medium density plain fabric, dyed and printed fabrics have seen uneven declines in daily transactions, with spot prices stabilizing and falling in some areas, and some popular color and pattern varieties still experiencing a slight decline in order prices. T/C80/20 yarn 45S x 45S, 133 x 72 machine dyed plain fabric, T/C65/35 yarn 45S x 45S, 133 x 72 pad dyed plain fabric, T/C65/35 yarn 45S x 45S, 133 x 72 active printed poplin, and some front and back factory style fabric companies and manufacturers still have a relatively smooth demand for orders and shipments within their direct sales departments, with prices varying steadily depending on batch size; The business of some small and medium-sized business owners in this series of fabrics is still relatively flat, with a certain decline in spot transactions and order shipments.



3rd Floor, Building 1, No. 99 Guoqiang Road, Chongchuan District, Nantong City